Social Media
Marketing – What is required? – Story of Foodies in Hyderabad
Ravikanth CFP
In the world of mobile Apps,Facebook,Twitter etc..People
starting talking about the technology marketing as the next gen career. This
media of marketing is very fast growing and reachable to the people but the success
is not alone just by few professionals into SEO or add design.
As marketing is always event management, even in the modern
day technology marketing.. But my latest study on Face book group called “Foodies in Hyderabad” is classic example of
social media marketing is not just creating an app,SEO, Adds in
Facebook,google,yahoo and other websites to attract the people attention.
The group just started in May’13, in six months today got
8500 people connected and exploring all about food in Hyderabad. Creating a massive
awareness of Food and Food related articles in the city of Hyderabad and organizing
100s of events resulting to business branding to many.
The success of this meet up is
Event Management: It’s not just created for chatting or posting
Ad of the food court or somebody experience. It is organizing the events to
make the people participate and make them feel of the Food in Hyderabad and
create enthusiasm to others to participate in the coming events. This is by
putting photos of the events and writing all about the food they enjoyed in the
Audience/Target People: It got a theme which is
commonly interested by people. And there by promoting the product is easy.
Today many hotels, restaurants, food courts are recognized by this group increased
new customers by 10 to 40%. Which is a new sign of social marketing trends by
event management, will result in more penetration to the product.
Participation: This group allowed every member
to participate what is required to them, resulted more penetration and mileage
for the Food in Hyderabad across the globe.
Feed back: As always every marketing required is taken care by the creators of the group in
such a way that even bad and good remarks are not rated but presented in
picture form as well.
This is not one such success story of modern day marketing
but also similar other groups attracting the people all over in different subjects
and becoming success full in product marketing.
So the new age social media professionals should take this
kind of lessons in building the new brand or promote the products will give
better results of this fast going social media..